1. All communication to the school shall be addressed to the principal.

2. Parents and guardians are cordially welcome to enquire into the progress of their children/wards.

3.Whenever they visit ‘they are advised to see the principal first and inform him of their intention. No visitors will be allowed to meet a teacher without permission from the principal.

4. Realizing the importance of spoken English nowadays the school expects parents to encourage their children to speak English both in the campus and outside.

5. Parents should see that their children reach school and return home punctually.

6. Parents must check the entries in the children’s hand book from time to time, at least-once a week.

7. Parents are requested not to Compare or Contrast their child with another to avoid psychological problems. It may be recalled that the heredity and environment of each student is unique.

8. Parents are requested not to react impulsively to complaints concerning school matters. They’d better bring the matter to the notice of the principal.

9. It is up to the parents to bring any information regarding any eccen tri behaviors on the part of their children to the attention of the principal who may provide special attention and counseling from  the school.

10. Parents are requested not to project their personal ambitions on their children and overburden them with private tuitions.

11. Parents ought to see that their children take active part in all the activities of the school, Any student taking part in the school programme and getting selected has to go for the programme conducted outside.

12. A written application duly signed by the parent should be submitted on or before 7th January in the case of withdrawals from the Vidya Peedhom.

13. Progress report stating the academic progress of each student will be given. The person who signs the progress report may be the father, mother or guardian, whose specimen signatures are given in the memorandum of each student. Class teachers will verify the signatures.


Promotion is granted on the basis of C.C.E. (Continues &  Comprehensive Evaluation) during the academic year and not merely on the results of the annual examinations. The records of internal assessments, F As, S As, etc.. will be taken into account at the time of promotion.


As it is mentioned in the Disciplinary Rules irregular attendance, habitual idleness disobedience or defiance of authority, malpractice in connection with examination, lack of sufficient improvement in conduct and students even after warnings or injury to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a students.

A student who fails more than once in the Same class shall be removed from the rolls.